Fault Resilient, Fault Resistant, High Stable IPs

Fault Resilient, High Stable IPs are meant to build SOC for the future.
There are applications which really need a Stable SOC in all kind of environment.
These application are like –

AI/ ML engines implemented on portable devices.
Automotive ADAS and Autonomous Driving Applications.
IOT Devices which is exposed to all kind of environment.
Security Devices which is exposed to all kind of hacking.
Aerospace application.
Robotics which is meant to operate in industrial applications.
All the fully Autonomous application like Drone control Circuitry.

These applications do not have any chance of failure be it at chip level or at the processing level. a small noise can disturb the application working or decision and would end up into a major disaster.
These IPs are meant to give stability to your SOC in all kind of environments.

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